Saturday, Jul. 27, 2024

Archive for Tag Archives: ' the avengers movie'

No Surprise: Disney CEO announces development of ‘THE AVENGERS 2’

No Surprise: Disney CEO announces development of ‘THE AVENGERS 2’

Posted On: May 08, 2012

This news offers about as much shock value as the news of John Travolta sexually harassing male masseurs [...]

More stills from ‘THE AVENGERS’

More stills from ‘THE AVENGERS’

Posted On: March 27, 2012

More stills for you. You've got to love all the materials were getting as we approach the [...]

12 New Photos From ‘THE AVENGERS’

12 New Photos From ‘THE AVENGERS’

Posted On: March 27, 2012

The marketing campaign for 'THE AVENGERS' is in full swing, and we've got 12 new photos for you [...]

Six new posters for ‘THE AVENGERS’

Six new posters for ‘THE AVENGERS’

Posted On: March 14, 2012

Feast your eyes on six new movie posters for 'THE AVENGERS'. They look great, and I can't [...]

New Poster For ‘THE AVENGERS’

New Poster For ‘THE AVENGERS’

Posted On: February 28, 2012

Here is a new poster for 'THE AVENGERS'. It doesn't offer anything too new or exciting, but [...]

‘THE AVENGERS’ Villains Revealed In…Toys?

‘THE AVENGERS’ Villains Revealed In…Toys?

Posted On: February 11, 2012

**SPOILER ALERT** Leave it to toys, our childhood pastime, to divulge one of the most guarded secrets [...]

New Empire Magazine Covers for ‘THE AVENGERS’

New Empire Magazine Covers for ‘THE AVENGERS’

Posted On: January 24, 2012

No explanation needed. Enjoy! [...]