Archive for Tag Archives: ' Batman'
Has the ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’ lineup been set?
Has the lineup for the 'Justice League' movie been set? Well, according to Superhero Hype (via Cosmic [...]
Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play the lead in ‘GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY’?
Deadline is reporting that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is now in the mix to land the lead role of Peter [...]
Rumor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt to play Batman in ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’ and perhaps ‘MAN OF STEEL’?
/Film posted information on this blockbuster rumor earlier today. Check out their report below followed by my initial [...]
Lance Armstrong & the Harvey Dent Conundrum
It’s been a hell of a week for Lance Armstrong. On Wednesday, he was dropped by Nike, [...]
Jonathan Nolan Talks About The Ending Of ‘THE DARK KNIGHT RISES’
The end of 'The Dark Knight Rises' seemed to leave fans with more questions than answers as Christopher [...]
Rumor: Warner Bros. wants Armie Hammer for Batman in ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’
Back in 2007, before the Writers Strike, Warner Bros. greenlit a Justice League movie that was within days [...]
My video tribute to ‘THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY’
Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy has officially ended. It's hard to believe that the ride is over, [...]
Rebooted Batman to appear first in ‘JUSTICE LEAGUE’?
It’s being reported by multiple sites, including /Film, that Warner Bros. is planning to reboot Batman in the [...]
A few weeks ago I wrote about three ways Warner Bros. could go about rebooting the Batman franchise [...]
Cool Batcave Home Theater
/Film posted these great photos of a Batcave inspired home movie theater that Elite Home Theater Seating is helping [...]
5 Burning Questions From 'THE AVENGERS'
How the frick did Ruffalo bring depth to the character?FISH OUT OF WATER: The Aquaman Conundrum
I can tell the author of this article isn't a big comic book fan. BaseINVITATION TO OPPORTUNITY
Writing this now in retrospect. Thank you Ben Cherington. Thank youNOT YOUR AVERAGE JOE: Why Joe Flacco is in a class of his own
Colin, Well written article here. I think Flacco is an elite quart